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Expeerience Counts!!

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

Peer 4 Peer is excited to announce the opening of their Townsville and Magnetic Island services!

Peer mentors often create an environment that empowers people experiencing or recovering from a mental health problem to take control of their recovery by identifying strengths, understanding challenges, exploring what is useful and what causes difficulty. 

All peer support is rooted firmly in hope, sharing experiences, and moving towards recovery.

Peer mentoring supports people living with mental health challenges to be seen as part of the solution. Walking alongside someone who understands, who ‘gets it’ helps you to feel less isolated or alone. It offers the opportunity to explore feelings, build confidence, and discover new ways that move us towards a better life.” Dee Duffy (Peer 4 Peer)

Peer Mentors provide a wide range of structured activities to include: social leisure activities, community participation, or assistance to attend appointments are a few. Through sharing the knowledge from own lived experience, Peer Mentors aim to inspire hope and belief that a positive and meaningful life is possible in others.

"We go for walks to the beach or waterfalls, we sometimes go op-shopping or make art. Its fun, I always feel better afterwards." female participant 20yrs

For further information reach out to Chris on 0466 569 977

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