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Peer 4 Peer Podcast episode 2: Louisa Dent Pearce

Welcome to the Peer 4 Peer podcast series, dedicated to unlocking the myths, beliefs and taboos of mental illness. We hope you enjoyed episode 1 with Heidi Everett.

Our 2nd episode features Louisa Dent Pearce and is now available to watch or listen via Peer 4 Peer YouTube and Facebook channels. #peer4peerpodcast

Author, Peer Specialist, and Social Worker, Louisa Dent Pearce discusses primal traumas; the power of psychosis; understanding what is freedom; the essential components of healing; her mental health books, ‘The Little Girl that Nobody Wanted’ and ‘Spirit Gnosis’; and Louisa's private practice, The Voice Sanctuary – a safe harbour for people who wish to explore and transform troubling thoughts, voices, internal conflicts, negative self-beliefs and difficult life stories.

"That voice in your head... That story in your heart... That belief in your bones... You can change it. And when you do, You will know freedom." –Louisa Dent Pearce

Hosted by Robert Nobilia, this podcast includes conversations and storytelling about peer work and the people with lived experience in the mental health industry, and why it’s important for our lives today.

About the host Robert Nobilia is a visual artist, musician and peer mentor. He says that art calms the mind because you are concentrating on one thing. He is still exploring and expanding his knowledge and is inspired by art that both challenges and expands our awareness and consciousness. He is evolving both in the way he 'sees' the world and how he wants to question our way of 'seeing' through story-telling and art. His work is personal and universal.

The theme music for the Peer 4 Peer Podcast is composed and recorded by Robert.

"Art shows your story and your progress, which is often in conjunction with personal growth. Whatever I learn I like to pass on." –Rob Nobilia

We hope you enjoy the podcast. Please share!

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